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Q&A with Audrina Lane

Q&A with Audrina Lane

About the Book

Q – What inspired you to write this book?

I think 2 things inspired me to sit down and write “Where did your Heart go?” which is my first ever book and the first in The Heart Trilogy series. The first was the thought that I would be turning 40 (this was in 2013) and that sudden urge to accomplish some of my dreams or ambitions before it was too late!! Writing a book was one of those dreams. The second inspiration was the emergence of E L James and the “50 Shades trilogy” I work for the Library Service in Herefordshire and noticed all these books flying out and even some of the more elderly customers asking for them, so I thought I’d give them a read for research purposes. I’m sorry to all the many fans of E L James, but I skim read the books and found the storyline to be boring and the sex scenes became too much for me to even read because they were bland and lacked anything that made me what to love the characters. I thought, rather than moan about the books, I’d go one better and write my own novel. In a way it’s a crossover between a good mother/daughter family saga with an enduring love story theme of first love but with realistic sex scenes as I realised that the readers probably wanted this.

Q – Where did the ideas for the characters come from? Are they based on people you know? Do they have similar traits?

My storyline and characters from The Heart Trilogy, especially “Where did your Heart go?” came from my own personal experience (well they say write what you know!). The main character Stephanie and her daughter are both a good mixture of me and my personality. Their fictional lives gave me the chance to explore the other career paths I might have taken in my life. When it comes to writing realistic first love, well I can only write from my own experience which I have to say still ranks as the most romantic, passionate and amazing 3 years of my life.

James, the leading man in the story is most definitely my first boyfriend who was also called James. I was lucky enough to check with him that he was fine for me writing the story as there is an awful lot of our romance within the pages, including our first kiss. He was flattered that I still held him in such high esteem and that he was going to be a hero in the story. Charlotte is the teenager I wished I’d been at that age, but wasn’t as I lacked her self-confidence and dancing ability. I think Mitchell is based on many of the dancers in “Strictly Come Dancing” and the Johnny Castle character from Dirty Dancing, portrayed by Patrick Swayze.

My supporting characters are all named after friends and it was great when the said friends started to read the first book and found themselves on the pages. I’ve since been asked by my readers to write them into future books (first names only)! I’m always happy to oblige.

Q – Did you find the erotic scenes hard to write?

At first I did, but this was to try and portray the feelings of someone’s first time in that intimate moment. I always dislike heroines that can orgasm from the word go, so mine tended to have a more awkward edge to them. However as my characters grew up then I really came into my own and I adore writing erotic scenes that feature food, music or water (baths, showers, the sea, hot tubs etc.!!) My editor will tell you I have a penchant for nipples and water!!!

Q – Do you have a favourite scene in the book? If so, which?

Absolutely and it is my main characters Stephanie and James’ first kiss. This is actually how I remember my own first kiss which also took place in the same place and the same circumstances. It’s that shock moment when Stephanie thinks James is just going to pull her feet or tickle them like he has in previous encounters in the book to that point. But instead she feels his lips touch hers in her very first kiss.

Excerpt from “Where did your Heart go?”

We spent an enjoyable hour splashing around together, laughing and joking. James gave me some pointers on my diving technique before showing off with a somersault. Then as we took a breather on the side, he motioned to me.

“Steph, why don’t you go under the water and close your eyes.”


“It’s a surprise,” he said, grinning. I smiled back and ducked beneath the surface. As I waited for something to happen, I felt his hands on my waist and I almost opened my eyes. He pulled me closer and I felt his lips on mine in a brief kiss.

Startled, my eyes sprang open and I felt the heat of my skin burning like fire. I looked directly into his eyes for a second and then he pushed up to the surface. I was only moments behind him as I reached out for the side. My heart was pounding and my whole body was trembling as I tried to keep control of my spiralling emotions. I felt faint as I clung to the side, I didn’t have the nerve to ask him what this kiss meant.

I’m now lying in bed watching the clock tick away. It’s gone midnight and for some reason I can’t sleep. I can still feel his lips pressed against mine and the feel of his hands on my waist when they pulled me close enough. His lips on mine were soft and firm against the liquid coolness of the water that surrounded us and held us both. We were suspended in a timeless moment.

About Me

Q – How old were you when you started writing?

I used to write as a teenager, mostly short stories to amuse my younger sisters. My first attempt at a novel was in 1992 when I was 19 years old. I wrote a love story similar to Judy Blume’s "Forever". Again this was based on my first love and called “Take my Breath Away” At the time I let a work colleagues teenage daughter read it and she loved the story. However I was too scared to send it off to a publisher so it languished in a box file until 2013. Much of this initial story is again in the storyline of “Where did your Heart go?”

Q – Where do you get your book ideas from?

I’ve told you about my first book, and it was originally meant as a standalone. I didn’t realise that the characters wanted me to continue with their stories and so did my readers. “Unbreak my Heart” and “Closer to the Heart” are pure fiction and not really based on anything in reality. I even wrote the end of the third book before I started on the 2nd book so I had something to work towards. They have strong links with music so the lyrics of the songs I used as the book titles really helped. Following that I have a note book of started novels that I am waiting to have the time to write. My current latest release and forthcoming book are a 2 part series based on the evil female character Felicity from The Heart Trilogy. I never even thought of writing these but my loyal readers kept asking me “What made her such an evil, vindictive bitch?” So I was tasked with writing her story but in such a way that you can read it without having read the trilogy and so that you don’t feel sorry for her!! They are a lot darker and more erotic than my first three books and getting inside such a conniving mind has pushed me. I’m pleased to say that I think I have accomplished this, especially when one of my readers said she couldn’t read it as she didn’t want to see James getting hurt again!

Q – How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?

I’ve currently got four books published and working on book 5 which is the 2nd part of “The Bloodstained Series” I’m also working on collaboration with another author (Rita Ames) and it is such fun writing as a team. The book is called “24 Hours to Love” and is a romance set at the 24 hours of Le Man race. I’m actually writing in first person the main male character, Jax, who is a racing car driver with a womanising reputation. Rita is writing his love interest, Lola, a model on her first assignment as a pit board girl. So I have to say that this is my favourite book at the moment because it’s so different from my others.

Q – Are you going to write more books? If so, will you continue to do so under the erotic genre?

I have many plans and some will certainly have an erotic element to them. However I don’t want to just write romance and have an idea for a paranormal story and a black comedy too.

Your Views

Q – What do you think makes a good story?

In my opinion I think that it’s an affinity or love of the characters that you’re reading. I think that even the most basic storyline needs the characters to come alive and get into the head of the reader.

Q – Have you self-published? If so, what have been the negatives and positives?

All my books are self-published. I tried to find a publisher for my first book but after rejections and talking to other author friends who are with traditional publishers I decided to just get it out there. I guess the negatives are that book shops don’t take you seriously when you’ve not with a recognised publisher. I’ve also had colleagues at work say that I’m not really a proper author, which hurts when you work in the Library Service – but I guess my books are high-brow enough for the ones who are knocking my achievement.

On the positives I like that I can write what I want, when I want and sell for the price I want. Yes it is hard work marketing all the time but I really enjoy the rewards when a new review pops up. I’ve also heard that many publishers still want the author to social media market so why share the profits with a third party that are not prepared to do all of this for an author. Believe me some of these moans are from authors with rather big name publishers (I’m not going to name and shame!). I’m not saying that if the right deal came along I wouldn’t go traditional but it has to be what works for me and my stories.

Q – When reading, do you prefer eBook or print? Why?

Tough question! I do most of my reading as eBooks these days as I like to support other indie authors and generally I only read at night or on Holiday. Carrying a kindle is the most convenient way for me to devour as many stories as I have time for. That said I do still buy hardback and paperbacks of my favourite authors.

Just for Fun

Q – If you could be a character from one of your books, who would it be and why?

It has to be Stephanie so that I could go back and experience my first kiss and first love again and have my fictional ending rather than the real one!!

Q – Who is your favourite author?

Stephen King is my favourite author. He just writes so beautifully and his characters are always real and get into your head – even the really scary ones (Pennywise the clown)!! I always enjoy challenging people who say that he only writes horror and love asking them what they think of “The Green Mile” or “11.22.63” which are much more character driven. I love the way that characters sometimes pop up in other books at different times in their lives.

Q – As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

I’m going to show my age now by saying that I wanted to be a dancer in Hot Gossip on Top of the Pops. My Dad will testify to the time I spent prancing around the lounge or making up dances to my favourite pop songs. Sadly pop video’s arrived so I was never able to fulfil that one!!

Q – Tea or Coffee?

Coffee. Black with one sugar or with a little flavouring in it such as caramel.

Q – What’s next for you?

Keep writing and perhaps even make enough money to reduce my hours at work.

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