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Naughty Q&A with Charlotte E Hart

Author Name: Charlotte E Hart

1. As a writer, do you like to experience the sexual acts that you write about in order to write about them convincingly? Like to? Absolutely. Have I? Not necessarily. Most of the kink I’ve written (am writing) I’ve done, or at least dabbled in, but not in its entirety at times. I do think it helps that I’m aware of the sensations and can, therefore, give a realistic portrayal of the event.

2. Are there any sexual acts that you have written about that you are yet to experience? If so, what? And do you think you ever will? I haven’t yet walked into the theatre in Rome wearing a clitoral stimulator. Will I ever? No clue, but there’s always time for further adventures.

3. What about an erotic scene in a book turns you on the most? All of it, frankly. But I suppose the build-up is the most important thing. The explanation of the room, the air, the smells, the sounds, tastes. It’s not necessarily about the ‘drive in’ or the ‘thrust’ (hate that word btw) for me. I need the atmosphere to be pertinent to the event itself. And aggressive in nature. For me, it needs to be a riot of fucking, filled with feral intensity.

4. Does your partner (if you have one) know you write erotica? If so, do they read your work? If they do, do they find it arousing? Yes, they know. Although, I struggle with the word erotica. I write erotic suspense. Big books that happen to have sex within their pages. It’s not just a book of kink.

Do they read it? No. Only the teasers and graphics made for promo.

5. Have you ever turned yourself on writing one of your own sex scenes? Of course, frequently. If I’m not turned on, it’s not good enough for me to publish in my opinion.

6. Do you ever read one handed? And not because you are stirring the Bolognese ;) No. It’s not my thing.

7. What’s the naughtiest, dirtiest thing you have ever written? Give us an excerpt or tell us about the scene. My books are quite large really, with huge back stories wrapped into them, so if there’s sex there, it’s there for a reason. Whether that be to evolve the story, or make a characters reaction plausible because of the situation. The ending I wrote to my third (Absorbing White) while not the filthiest, was the most intriguing to write early on. It lead me on to the type of dark suspense I’m writing now. My character was lost within himself, doing exactly what he wanted to do without care for the people around him or their pain tolerances. It made the sex, or nearly sex, rough, extremely so. The tangibility of it got me very hot and flustered. Dark indeed.

The book I’m currently in (Once Upon A – which will be released soon) is full of dirty talk and sadistic preferences, wrapped within a beautiful story. It’s been a journey to let a sadists mind loose with little care to his actions. Although, there’s always a result of those types of action, we’ll just have to see where that journey takes us.

8. What’s the naughtiest, dirtiest book you have ever read? I don’t know about a book. To be honest I hardly read anything in my genre, but I do remember magazines from my youth. Some of the shorts inside them were filthy given they were freely available to the general public, and, short of being on the top shelf, they were uncensored. Lucky I was so tall, hey? Lol. Great stimulation from what I recollect of them.

9. Do you use porn as a stimulant for writing erotic scenes? No. The occasional picture maybe if I need help describing a fetish I’m not used to writing, but not porn per se.

10. Are there any consensual sexual acts that you would never write about? If so, why not? There’s nothing that stands out at the moment as something I wouldn’t write if necessary. My characters dictate my stories, so if they need it, or it’s relevant to the flow and direction, then I’ll tap it out.

11. Do you find certain erotic/sexual scenes hard to write? E.g. M/M, F/F, anal sex, bondage. Not yet. Sex or kink, as long as it’s relevant to the story, is reasonably effortless for me to put down on paper. The only time I find it hard to write is when it’s not really needed and that normally answers the question of why I’m finding it difficult to write – ergo, I cut it out completely.

Thanks so much for having me over !

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our naughty questions, Charlotte.

We hope you had fun ;)

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